TMD Treatment in Batesville
As your trusted orthodontist, our Lakewood Dental team provides expert dental care and treatments for patients of all ages.
If you need help with jaw pain, chewing, or speaking, you’ll find the highest quality care for a more comfortable jaw at our Batesville office.
What Is TMD?
TMD is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw joint. It can cause reoccurring debilitating pain in the jaw if left untreated or misdiagnosed.
The TMJ is the jaw joint that connects the mandible (lower jaw) to the temporal bone of the skull. It helps the jaw open and close and is one of the most intricate joints in the body.
Types of TMD
Chronic TMJ pain is called temporomandibular disorder or TMD. There are three types of TMD:
- Arthritis, a degenerative inflammatory disorder
- Internal derangement of the joint, a term we use to describe a displaced disc or dislocated jaw
- Myofascial pain, which refers to the pain in the muscles that operate the TMJ
Symptoms of TMJ
Common symptoms of TMD include:
- Clicking/popping in the jaw joints when opening or closing the mouth
- Persistent headaches and facial pain
- Limited ability to open the mouth
- Pain or tenderness in the neck or ear when talking, chewing, or opening the mouth wide
Since these symptoms may be a result of other conditions, a thorough examination is needed to receive an accurate diagnosis and to design an efficient treatment plan.
Getting Treatment
We offer a TMJ exam that evaluates the joint tissue in the "hinge" of the jaw. Possible problems include swelling, deterioration of the joint tissue, or damaged joint tissue (which cushions the jaw bones during the opening and closing movement of the mouth).
Common pain relievers and cold compresses can provide temporary relief for most cases of TMD. For more severe cases of TMD, Dr. Thompson or Dr. Amann will recommend alternate treatments. Often, they'll suggest using a mouthguard to relieve teeth grinding.
In some cases, your dentist will instruct you to use retainers to alleviate discomfort or redirect the positioning of the TMJ joint. We may recommend certain invasive procedures for the most severe cases of TMD.

Get Relief From Jaw Pain
If you’ve been dealing with jaw pain, trouble chewing, or teeth grinding while you sleep, Lakewood Dental can help you get relief. Contact our Batesville office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Thompson or Dr. Amann. Our team will help you get a healthier, happier smile.